Saturday, April 7, 2012

4 Mistakes You Probably Make with Women

So far in my posts, I've concentrated on what you should do to meet and attract women. Now, while these are important, there are also the negative parts you should be aware of.

In other words, there are also these things that you do that make women find you as unattractive and make them leave you eventually.

In this post, I'll present you 4 terrible mistakes that most guys make with women, and you should stop making if you want to either get laid or find a girlfriend.

Impressing Women with Your Money

The first mistake that you should stop using is impressing women with your money. This includes buying her gifts, taking her to expensive dinners, picking her up in some expensive car that you took from your uncle, and more.

The only girls that are "impressed" by this are women who want your money, and only your money. The moment they'll lose your gifts, they will leave you.

Using money to impress women is more like bribing – you're trying to buy her to be with you. And in our world, you don't get the really good girls with this.

So instead of impressing with your money, impress with your personality.

Flattering and Over-Complimenting

You've probably heard from your mom that it's important to compliment your girls. Well, compliments are important, even to attract women.

However, many guys get it wrong, and go flattering and complimenting women, thinking that it will make women like them more.

But that's so wrong – women can easily distinguish between fake and genuine compliments. These "generic" compliments that guys use, only makes them needy and a bit creepy, and doesn't build any attraction.

If you have something specific to compliment her, then go for it, but don't use flattery as a way to attract her.

Being Afraid to "Make Mistakes"

Another terrible mistakes guys do, is being afraid of doing "something wrong". Especially when they are interested in a girl, their strategy would be based on the fear that she'll leave.

Being afraid of making mistakes, gets you to "walk on ice" around women. You won't do any mistakes, but you also won't do anything that attracts her.

Being neutral, silent and very polite isn't attractive either. So stop being afraid of these mistakes. This is the worst strategy to choose from.

In fact, when a girl sees that you aren't afraid to lose, it only increases her interest in you.

Not Showing Your Interest in Her

So far we talked about not showing much interest. However, not showing any interest at all is also a mistake.

A guy can talk to a girl for hours, and she'll give him SOOOO many signs of interest. And yet, he won't ask her for her phone number, and they will therefore never meet again.

Don't do this mistake either – when you like a girl and she also gives you signals that she likes you, tell her that you're interested and ask for her number too.

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